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Oct 13th, 2016, a few minutes before 11:15 am, my life changed in a way that I’m still processing and enjoying to the fullest. On that day and at that time, I became a Dad! A girl Dad to Kallie Mae Damico.

I’m a heart-centered, Christ-centric flawed, and regular guy, who loves and is fiercely loved by his little girl. I hope to share stories, pictures, and my heart in the hopes that it could help you, yea you Girl Dad, to be the most joyful, abundant, and fulfilled Girl Dad you can be so that you and your daughters can live joyful, abundant and fulfilled lives.

My mission is to share the good, the tough, and everything in between as we journey together to raise joyful, confident, and resilient women.

Our daughters are watching and our impact and involvement/non-involvement will set the standards for how they expect to be treated in future relationships.

So what do you say? Let’s do it together and build a healthier and happier future for our girls and women, filled with love, respect, and compassion.

Questions?  Just Ask Chris.


“I have done what was mine to do: may Christ teach you what you are to do. “St. Francis of Assisi”